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SparkFun MicroView – USB Programmer

SKU: DEV-12924

DEV-12924 The MicroView is the first chip-sized Arduino compatible module that lets you see what your Arduino is thinking using a built-in OLED display. This USB programmer connects directly to the MicroView and lets you not only program the module, but use it to interface with your computer, Rapsberry Pi, or other USB device. The programmer has both male and female headers which allow it to be plugged into a MicroView module and a breadboard at the same time, making prototyping quick and easy.

Original price was: 248,75 kr..Current price is: 61,25 kr.. Inkl. moms
49,00 kr. Ekskl. moms

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The MicroView is the first chip-sized Arduino compatible module that lets you see what your Arduino is thinking using a built-in OLED display. This USB programmer connects directly to the MicroView and lets you not only program the module, but use it to interface with your computer, Rapsberry Pi, or other USB device. The programmer has both male and female headers which allow it to be plugged into a MicroView module and a breadboard at the same time, making prototyping quick and easy.

If you want to learn more about the MicroView, check out the href=””https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1516846343/microview-chip-sized-arduino-with-built-in-oled-di””>Kickstarter page.

Note: A MicroView OLED Arduino Module is NOT included with this USB Programmer. Check the Recommended Products section below to find one!


href=””https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Dev/Arduino/Other/MicroViewUSB.zip””>Eagle Files
href=””https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/microview-hookup-guide””>Learn MicroView
href=””https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/installing-a-bootloader-on-the-microview””>MicroView Bootloader Installation
href=””https://www.sparkfun.com/videos#all/-r-2RzFDcME/10″”>Product Video


<iframe src=""https://www.youtube.com/embed/ooT7GLKjCV4/?autohide=1&border=0&wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1""

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